Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dentists are great fun! Last night I had the rest of my root canal finished, ready for the crown. Today William had one pulmodomy or whatever those are called (a child's root canal) and one extraction that had infection under the tooth. He was knocked out by two medicines before the work was started and he fought the medicine going into the "zone" and coming out of the "zone." Talk about one energetic and determined kid.
He realized that something was odd in his mouth. He thought his tooth was loose, but it is merely the spacer that they put in in place of the extracted tooth. He kept trying to wiggle it, so then it would bleed more. Grrr! I need a break!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sewing, sewing, sewing...I have tons of fabric and happened to get even more fabric from my neighbor to sew Shiry a dress. It is a peach lacy type fabric over an orange fabric to give it a solid peachy look. It has white embroidered flower stripes and is just cute! So I am sewing Shiry a dress out of the fabric. I decided that I am doing a hat too, since the pattern includes a hat as well. Wish me luck! I will post photos once it is done.... hehe, now that should keep me motivated to get it done, promising pics of its completion...
LOL! Mwahaha, TeeHee!