Friday we went to the zoo with our aunt and cousins. It was tons of fun and we saw a bird show, which was amazing! We got done at the zoo after having fun and went to a nearby park to have lunch where the kids continued to have even more fun.
We got home from that and were very tired, but had things to do for the reunion we had coming up the next day. So we spent a few more hours running around, making sure we had everything we needed for that.
Finally everyone got to bed, and soon enough, we had to wake up to get ready for the reunion.
So, Saturday we had the reunion and as the forecast had predicted, it was rainy, windy, dark clouds and just not fun. We stayed at the park and continued the reunion. The kids didn't seem to mind the rain and were playing in it just about all day.
Sunday, Preston was ordained a priest, and it was a very special and memorable occasion. My grandfather was who Preston chose to ordain him, because he had challenged Preston 7 years ago to be ready to baptize Jarod by the time Jarod was ready. Preston is a tad bit late, but he will still be baptizing Jarod in the next little while. Preston had a lot of people there from the ward, from our family and he even had his brother there. (Thank you Trav and Kim!) He needed that support from his brother.
We did lunch at our very messy house after church and the ordination and it was nice. We then went to my parent's house on the fly because my dad had requested sourdough pancakes and my mom was talking about finishing making them today, and Pres was automatically drawn to the idea of sourdough pancakes. So we asked if we might join, and she said there was plenty to go around.
What fun!
This post is merely a summary of what has happened this weekend, but all of it, even the rain, has been great!!!